Friday, April 24, 2015

Semi 2015; A Superb Success

What is the precise formula for creating the perfect school dance? Well, no one really knows for sure, but at Glenview Park, the SAC council seemed to have pretty much figured it out in time for the annual semiformal. Start with acquiring a killer DJ, then add some delicious punch and plenty of food, a hilarious photo booth with props a plenty, and of course, a fantastic venue (a.k.a. the Polish Club). Don’t forget about inviting guests that know how to dance, but Glenview students already had that down, lets face it. Yes, one could say that Semi 2015 will go down in history as the best dance that Glenview has ever had!
With over 200 students and their friends in attendance, tickets sold out not once, but twice! And it seemed that the success of tickets sales was translated into the success of the night itself. People who had already experienced what a GPSS Semi is like from previous years were surprised by the event’s outcome. “There was a good DJ, and I could see that it was very organized and well looked good”, said Georgia. Another hit this year was the food table. Chuchu thought “it was absolutely scrumdiddlyumptious!”. She thought that the fruit table was a much-needed addition to the dance, and many other students would agree.
Some of the newcomers to a GPSS Semi were equally, if not more, happy with the results. Having been to several school dances before, Bhuvna was glad that semi, supposedly the best dance of the year, was held in a venue other than the caf. She enjoyed the fact that “there was a little more room, which made everything a bit easier”. When asked if she would go to another semi like this, she immediately replied with a confident “Definitely!”.

The results are in, and thanks to SAC and their fantastic ideas and hard work, every Panther agrees that we had a smash-hit dance. Maybe it was the gorgeous decorations, or perhaps the killer music. Whatever it was, everyone who was expecting a great dance got exactly that, and everyone who went could say that our Panther spirit made the night even better! All in all, it sounds like everyone’s giving a resounding vote of excellence to this perfect Winter Wonderland!

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