Friday, November 18, 2016
Anti-Bullying Week and the GSA
November 22-26 is anti-bullying week at Glenview, and on Wednesday, don’t forget to wear a purple shirt or ribbon to show your acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community.
Also, the GPSS GSA needs more members! GSA stands for Gay Straight Alliance, and anyone can join. It doesn’t matter how you identify, if you are accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, this club is for you! GSA meets Mondays at lunch in room A216.
Written by S.N.
Phantom Power
As you already know, GPSS is a Platinum Certified Eco School - one of two in all of WRDSB! So Glenview Cares was thinking: how can we maintain this status and also be green at home? The answer: eliminating phantom power. Items in your home that are not in use can suck up energy if they are left plugged into an outlet.
The first thing that comes to mind is: phone charging. Don’t charge your devices overnight!!! This also applies to other devices. Chances are, in 2016, it may only take an hour or two, so once the battery is full, it’ll suck up phantom power. Instead, charge your devices during the day so you can unplug them as soon as they’re done.
But it doesn’t stop there. You can unplug monitors, small kitchen appliances and office equipment, too. If there are many cords in the same place, plug them into a power bar. You can unplug them all at once with the power bar cord.
Try to have all devices in your home that are not in use or charging unplugged. So help save your parent’s electricity bill and the planet by eliminating phantom power, Glenview!
Written by S.N.
Monday, October 17, 2016
![]() | Glenview Park is proud to introduce the newly established HOSA which will start up on October 12, 2016. HOSA’s mission is to promote career opportunities in the healthcare industry while also providing students with a unique opportunity for leadership and development. Think of it as the medical equivalent of DECA. Students will meet every Wednesday, October through February to prepare for the provincial competition which will take place in early March at the University of Toronto. Here, students will spend two days competing while also having the opportunity to attend workshops, tour the campus and meet like-minded individuals. The conferences may also allow for participants to meet professionals in the medical career they may someday wish to pursue. Placing in the top three in your category will allow you to move on to internationals which will be held late June in Anaheim, California. The cost for participating in HOSA competitions is an initial registration fee of $35 and $60 for provincials. These costs will allow you to participate and give you access to the HOSA database to aid in your studies, but will not cover the cost of the overnight hotel stay, which will be determined at a later day. In efforts to minimize cost for participants, HOSA will hold a series of fundraisers prior to the competition date throughout the year. If you have any further questions feel free to check out the HOSA Ontario website or our own Glenview HOSA website at We hope to see you at our first meeting on Wednesday October 12, 2016 in room D219! |
Sunday, May 15, 2016
The Inside Ride Comes to GPSS
The month of June is rapidly approaching, and with it comes some pretty exciting events, namely The Inside Ride, held on June 7th, 2016. Run by the GPSS Athletic Council (follow @GPSSac on Twitter for updates), lead by Shayla R. and Ms. Caplin, this amazing charity event is full of fun, exercise and energy, all for a good cause. Interested in signing up a team or volunteering? Head over to to register. Here are the steps you need to follow to make your Inside Ride experience the best it can be:
- Find six of your most energetic friends to make a team and sign up online. Designate someone as Team Captain.
- Each team member has to raise just $50, and together your team will make $300 to help the Coast to Coast Cancer Foundation!
- Gather donations from friends and family and your teachers - don't stop once you hit $50 - get as many donations as possible!
- Find some crazy costumes to wear on the day of the event. Remember, there is a prize for the team with the best costumes! Our advice is to match and wear the brightest, loudest outfits possible!
- TRAIN. Visit the Glenview weight room at lunch or after school and hit those stationary bikes. Each rider bikes for 10 minutes, but if you want the prize for the furthest distance biked for your team, put in those hours on the bike!
- GET PUMPED! This is a super awesome event benefitting a super awesome cause, so if you don't show up with a smile on your face and some #PantherPride, you don't get to bike!(unofficial but very important rule)
If you have any questions at all regarding The Inside Ride, don't hesitate to DM @gpsspantherpost or @GPSSac or @sac_gpss and we will gladly answer them! Get ready for the ride of your life, Panthers!
Monday, April 18, 2016
Earth Week Challenge 2016
Hey there Panthers! As some of you may know, this week we are having a 1,000 Acts of Green Challenge against GCI. And so, every day of next week we are focusing on one “green” or environmentally conscious act. Monday is Meatless Monday, so try to bring veggies and fruits for lunch! Travel Mug Tuesday is next, and we want you to ditch your paper coffee cups - oh the horror! Just kidding, all you have to do is bring a travel mug to your Tims or Starbucks and you’ll still get your fave drink -- just lose the paper cup! And finally, Thursday is 1000 Acts of Green. For any green act that you do, little or big, make note of it and we will tally all of the Glenview Park’s green acts at the end of the day - we’re aiming for 1,000 acts, but lets go above and beyond! Every day, you have the chance to win a prize if you have put a GOTCHA! into the green bin at lunch. How do you get a GOTCHA!? Perform a green act! Winners will be picked daily from the green bin, so make sure you’re getting as many GOTCHA!’s as possible! Let’s get to work, Panthers!
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Semester 2 Horoscopes
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Watch out Glenview! You are a force to be reckoned with this semester, but remember that good grades don’t come without hard work! Just remember to relax every now and again. Chill, throw on some Netflix (Netflix & chill not to be affiliated together in this sentence), and zone out! You deserve it, Panther!
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Don’t deny it -- you’re super busy this semester. And we feel ya, it sucks sometimes! But just imagine how great your summer break will be if you push through and make the best of the sweet opportunities given to you this semester!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Oh Gemini, the life of the party! With all of the exciting things planned in SAC this semester, there will be no shortage of social events to attend! Don’t miss any dances, caf events, or tryouts! We know you’ll be there ;)
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You may be working through some personal, family or friend problems or even developing those relationships. But just remember, if you ever need a Panther to lean on because the work load gets too cray, we gotchu!
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Your fiery personality may be causing some trouble this semester. Just remember, biting your tongue is sometimes the best thing to do. Have some fun, and let go of the little things that don’t matter!
Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
This may be a heavy semester for you, Virgo, but don’t worry (be happy)! When you’re feeling stressed, listen to some chill music and talk to your friends. We’re all in this together, and remember you always have a support system here!
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Some big changes are coming your way, Libra! Prepare to adapt, and just remember that change is always a good thing in the end, no matter how tough it may be to overcome.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Wake up, Panther! Time to start getting back into the groove again. Exams may have been a welcome break, but take some time for yourself and your body this March break to regroup and refocus - school is important, sometimes even more important than Netflix, believe it or not. So next time you are stressing over whether or not Rory from Gilmore Girls gets into Harvard, think about what you really should be stressing about!
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Time to start exploring, Sagittarius! While the phrase “new semester, new me” is very cliché, it holds some truth! Experience new foods, friends, music, and studying habits -- trust, it will pay off!
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Ah, Santa Babies! Let’s just say you’ll be getting presents in more than just your birth month, especially this semester! Look out for some pretty sweet opportunities “presenting” (get it!) themselves soon, and take them while you can!
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Prepare to feel the love this semester -- the love for GPSS! Your school spirit is ramping up, and with good reason! Coffee house, co-prime elections, dances, and even more are getting you hyped!
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Keep on thinking those deep thoughts, Pisces! And don’t forget to be looking after yourself in these coming months! Eat healthy, join rugby, soccer or track, and take some time for yourself. We know, school got you stressing, but you gotta treat your body right too!
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Glenview Park Dominates DECA Ontario

Congratulations Jon G. and Rachelle M. for placing in the top 15 in their categories, for Maria and Alycia coming in 9th place overall in their category, and for Amanda H. coming in 1st place overall in her category! That means that she is heading to International DECA in Nashville, Tennessee, where the best of the best compete.
If you are interested in joining DECA next year, find Ms. Diebolt in the business hall when meetings start up again in September. It is a rewarding, memorable and shopping-filled experience that you will never forget!
Monday, January 11, 2016
Monday, January 4, 2016
GPSS School Events Forecast for 2016
Ah, the new year! We would say new year, new school, but that’s a little cliché, right? Well, whatever eye roll-inducing catchphrase you decide to use, just know that we have some big plans ahead for 2016 at GPSS. Wanna hear some of our awesome plans? We’ll give you the inside scoop, as long as you promise to start school on Monday with some #PantherPride and excitement for what’s to come!
Firstly, our superb Athletic Council is in charge of organizing our World Junior’s Floor Hockey tourny, starting almost immediately after the break ends. We want to see everyone out there, either playing on a team or cheering for one. No experience required, just bring your spirit and your running shoes!
Next up we have our semi-formal, run by the Student Activities Council and Mrs. Krysko’s leadership class. It’s coming up very soon, on Thursday, January 14th! Buy your tickets in the caf on the days leading up to the event for $15. We want to see everyone looking fresh and dancing all night!
Another amazing event we have going on throughout 2016 is Water Wednesdays, which is run by Glenview C.A.R.E.S. Club. Every Wednesday, they are asking for a simple act of kindness that will go a long way if everyone pitches in. Simply donate a quarter to Free The Children and their initiatives to provide families in developing countries with water for life. Your homeroom teacher will collect your quarters every Wednesday, and you can track our progress towards providing a family with water for life in the cafeteria! It’s only $125 to change a family’s life forever, and only a quarter from your pocket once a week! Thank you in advance, Panthers.
Throughout the rest of the school year, you will have the opportunity to participate in several sports teams, and watch all of the amazing athletes performing and winning for our school! You can go and check out the girls volleyball teams and boys basketball teams on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in our gyms (just check the athletic calendar by the East Gym for home game dates). Remember to try out for badminton, starting soon! And nearing March Break, look out for meetings about our spring sports; boys and girls rugby and soccer and track & field!
We hope this 2016 forecast got you pumped for the rest of your school year, and we can’t wait to see all you Panthers at home games, tryouts, and other school events!
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